lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

La cámara digital en el aula

Os dejo una serie de webs que nos dan ideas para usar la cámara digital en el aula. Porque las TICs no se limitan al ordenador...

  1. 100 Ways to Use Digital Cameras - share great moments from your classroom
  2. Adobe Digital Kids Club - many ideas
  3. Classroom Applications for the Digital Camera - ideas
  4. Digital Camera in the Elementary Classroom - These ideas can be modified for your specific grade level & student/teacher abilities.
  5. Digital Camera in the Primary Classroom - What can I do with a digital camera in my primary classroom?
  6. The Digital Camera in Education - how it can be used to assist in the educational process.
  7. Digital Camera Projects - from Tool Factory
  8. Ideas from Colleagues Around the World - many ideas
  9. Integrating Digital Photography - Education World
  10. Kodak Solution - Lesson plan ideas
  11. Lesson Ideas - all grade levels
  12. Photos in the Classroom - be sure to click on the activity links!

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